Learn2Care Caregiver Training Programs

Learn to Give Complete Care

Are you committed to providing exceptional care? Learn2Care equips your caregivers with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles. From compassionate presence to practical actions, our training covers every aspect of professional caregiving.

Learn2Care teaches your caregivers how to give:

  • Compassionate Care: Giving Person-Centered Care in Homes
  • Smart Care: Infection Control, Safety, Emergencies
  • Practical Care: Sitters, Homemakers, Companions, Aides
  • Empathic Care: Empathy, Diseases, Disabilities, Dementia
  • 360 Full Circle Care: Full Circle Endings and Beginnings

Empower Your Caregivers

Home Care Training for Caregivers - Learn2Care

Learn to Give the Right Care

Deliver effective, desired, and needed care. Master key principles & tasks essential for home care assistance:

  • Master Person-Centered Care: Tailor care plans to individual needs and preferences, fostering a positive and respectful environment.
  • Create a Safe Haven: Develop expertise in infection control, safety protocols, and maintaining a clean and healthy environment.
  • Communicate with Clarity: Effectively communicate with patients, families, and healthcare teams to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Meet Diverse Needs: Equip caregivers with the skills to address the patient’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs with empathy and understanding.
  • Respond with Confidence: Train caregivers to identify emergencies and respond promptly, ensuring patient safety.
  • Stay Compliant & Effective: Our training aligns with state requirements and US CMS HHA Conditions of Participation, giving you peace of mind.

Learn What You Need, When You Need It

Just In Time Review - Learn2Care

Caregiver Training

  • 65+ hours of online Learn2Care content
  • Training for Home Care Sitters, Homemakers, Companions, and Aides
  • Adult learning methods
  • Graded knowledge checks and application questions
  • Robust reporting for onboarding, annual competencies, and more

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Professional Caregiver Training - Learn2Care

Just In
Time Review

  • Short review videos for “Just In Time” caregiving needs
  • Review specific topics from our Professional Caregiver Training modules
  • 1-4 minutes per video
  • User-friendly search engine to find what you need, when you need it
  • Ensure consistency across your agency

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Leadership Growth for Home Care Team - Learn2Care


  • Leadership courses for your agency’s administrators, managers, office staff, and other leaders
  • Introductory career ladder training for caregivers who want to grow into leadership roles
  • Multi-faceted business skills, behaviors, communications, and problem-solving

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Our Overall Offerings

Professional Caregiver Training
65+ Hours of Online Content
Meet US CMS Conditions
Core Caregiver Training
Just in Time Review Training
Quick Refresher Videos (1-4 min.)
Flexible Learning
Improved Knowledge Retention
Leadership Growth Training
150+ Leadership Growth Modules
Multi-faceted Business Skills
Comprehensive Home Care Training
Online Platform
Custom Content Upload
Robust Reporting
Specialized Learning Paths
Mobile-Friendly Learning
Certificates of Completion
Franchise Support
Compliance Courses
Easy Onboarding
Seamless Onboarding Process
Free Trial Period

Why Choose Learn2Care?

Join the thriving community of home care businesses that rely on our platform for comprehensive caregiver training.

Explore Pricing

Learn Expert Content

Our courses are developed by experienced care professionals who understand the daily realities of caregiving.

Boost Staff Engagement

Interactive learning with multimedia, quizzes, and real-world scenarios keeps caregivers engaged and fosters knowledge retention.

Optimize Training ROI

Cost-effective training allows you to upskill your entire team at an affordable price, maximizing your training budget.

Build a Stronger Team

Consistent education ensures your caregivers stay up-to-date on best practices and regulations.

Develop Future Leaders

Invest in your agency’s future with leadership development programs that empower your supervisors and managers.

Got a Question?

Yes, agencies can add their own training material to the Learn2Care Platform.

Caregivers can easily take our courses on a phone, tablet, or computer. They can resume lessons from where they left off.

It is not necessary for some states, but most require adequate training and certification to start working as a caregiver. Learn2Care equips your agency's caregivers with 65+hours of professional caregiver training, short review videos for specific topics, and leadership courses.

Yes, Learn2Care complies with state and federal requirements, including those set by the US CMS HHA Conditions.